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Chinese press release writing price

High quality PR writing & princing

Provide excellent online publicity and promotion for companies, brands, and products. In China, consumers do not like official press releases, many commercial content can be legally placed in the news. Through our legal packaging, aid news will not violate laws and government orders, it can quickly and cost-effectively improve the positive impression of a brand or product

Face 1.3 billion pairs of eyes

News reporting can accumulate brand influence, product appeal, consumer attention, or attract investors.

In the Great China market, there are more than 750 million Internet users. Only by using the Internet can we have access to a large number of consumers. In China, there is a lot of information on the Internet and websites such as Google, Facebook and Twitter are prohibited. Corporate information is more difficult to search on the Internet. WPR2‘s China Network Exposure Solution helps business owners publish information on local business activities more easily. After receiving news reports, they have more opportunities to increase visibility and gain more opportunities for product exposure and attention.

Welcome to our premium translation service. We provide customary Chinese writing services in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau for your market.

The use of Chinese language is very difficult for non-Chinese people. The reason is that China’s ethnic groups are very diverse and their usage habits are very different.

Get news coverage

Show your news stories, increase the chance of being indexed by search engines, and create a unique public image through the uniqueness of the media and coverage of mainstream media, establish an honest brand, and create a higher marketing business value.

No “Dateline” in article content!

We put the customer’s product information into the news. The real news can promote the consumer’s desire for shopping and enhance the consumer’s impression more than the press release.

High visibility

The marketing style of news reporting is to promote the brand through an authoritative perspective.

Large number of exposures

The amount of data on the Internet is very large. Search engines need to capture high-quality content for indexing. News-style content is favored by Baidu.

news/one day

The news is published to major media sites or sub-stations, guaranteed to be indexed by Baidu, and a list of links is provided after the news is published, will cheap and quickly recognized by Chinese consumers.

  • Baidu search engine included
  • Portals news channel
  • National news subsite channel
  • Local news media website
  • Total Stories: 2
  • Total Sites: 10
  • 600 words
  • Photos: 1~2 per post
  • Company info: Yes
  • Spreadsheet format report

One-time release of 2 news stories to ensure that there are 10 media sites will be published, Baidu search engine will index several sites. After consumers see your company’s ads and search the Internet, it will be easier to find your news.


Greater number of media exposures in five consecutive days, improved search engine inclusion opportunities, and more exposure of media sites have increased online readers’ opportunities.

  • Baidu search engine included
  • Portals news channel
  • National news subsite channel
  • Local news media website
  • Total Stories: 5+1
  • Total Sites: 25+5
  • 600 words/post
  • Photos: 1~2 per post
  • Company info: Yes
  • Colored graphical report (PDF)
One time fee

With more than 150% of fees, the number of exposures and the number of indexed will increase significantly, and diversified media will present your company with various perspectives, with a higher degree of customer confidence.

news/4 weeks

For four weeks in a row, it released multiple news content to dozens of media sites across the country to increase Baidu’s index and news coverage. Consumers will continue to get brand impression.

  • Baidu search engine included
  • Portals news channel
  • National news subsite channel
  • Local news media website
  • Industrial media website
  • Stories: 20
  • Total Sites: 100+
  • 800 words/post
  • Photos: 1~3 per post
  • Company info: Yes
  • Chinese editing assistance
  • Colored graphical report (PDF)
One time fee

Less than $220 a day and will be widely reported by the Chinese media for one month in a row. Compared to competitors who are still plagued by Chinese, you have been successfully promoted on the internet in Greater China.

Gaining advantages in China

Companies do not have to entrust local public relations in China to send Taiwan and Hong Kong once to reach major portals and news websites in mainland China, gaining higher exposure.

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