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Chine Communiqué de presse

Touched more than 2,000 Chinese media

We arrange for Greater China media exposure for our customers. Corporate news releases provide accurate coverage of online news media through our services. Thousands of media channels are available for selection. The mainstream news websites have a professional journalism and high contact rate, in Baidu or Google. The search engine has a uniquely high weight. After the companies obtain these reports from the Chinese media, their exposure and market reliability have increased significantly.

The Internet has gradually become the main means for sales and marketing in the commercial market. The media presentation method has gradually changed from single to multiple. It is an innovator, transcends the traditional marketing public relations marketing model, and provides a unique and customized online brand reputation for top honored customers. Maintenance services, including media exposure and with network traffic support. No matter where you are, you can deliver exclusive media secretaries to arrange media exposure services in mainland China, specify date and time, specify media, and plan manuscript content to assist in the complete presentation of information that brands and products wish to convey. We are like global media explorers. , with customers leading the market.

Professional online news delivery service

We also have different places from traditional PR. WPR2 focuses on online media, not electronic media or print media. After the online media report is published, customers can use WPR2‘s online exposure solution to conduct traffic diversion and keyword search from the community, websites, blogs, and other self-media outlets to achieve greater results in short-term marketing programs.

Covers provinces and cities

Providing online news exposure services in the Chinese market, we provide a variety of online media publishing solutions through a large news release network. As long as your target market is in mainland China, North America, and Europe, we can help you spread corporate or product information to help you increase brand influence, attractiveness of merchandise, or attract investors in an affordable and sustainable manner.

Fast delivery, high publication rate

After receiving the customer’s manuscript, it will be sent to the media through an independent connection. The report may be seen within a few hours. The exclusive use of automatic media coverage reporting mechanism, once it is determined that the media has not reported, the media secretary will quickly contact other editors of the same or similar level of media to deliver and arrange the exposure of news articles.

Thousands of channels, can be selected

In China, we have hundreds of cooperative media, including thousands of various types of news channels, national media, local media, and dozens of industrial media. For customers, we have selected package proposals for various industries. We also allow customers to select media channels that they want to report on as required.

Baidu index guarantee

In mainland China, Baidu’s market share of search engines is nearly 70%. Google is also a leading player in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. It selects high-priority media as the main axis of delivery, and quickly obtains a large number of search engines. Brands, commodities, and finance Investment information gets better exposure optimization.

Specialist PR writing, keyword placement

Write a press release in authentic Chinese. The appealing topics or titles are undoubtedly the most intriguing elements for attracting readers. Experienced key words are arranged to increase the chances of Internet users searching. Familiar with market turbulence The flexible and agile media team collaborates with professional editors to create every compelling story.

Get media exposure in the Chinese market

Advance the best helper in the Chinese mainland market, and let your news release be exposed by a large number of online media and get a higher market share.


La Chine est la deuxième plus grande économie mondiale après les États-Unis, avec un PIB de plus de 1,220 milliards de dollars américains, soit environ trois fois celui du Japon, troisième économie mondiale. . Dans la deuxième plus grande économie du monde, la richesse du pays a beaucoup à gagner, le marché a reçu beaucoup de couverture médiatique, la société gagnera des avantages commerciaux dans ce pays riche.

La plupart des médias ont maintenant des méthodes de soumission de nouvelles très publiques. Les médias reçoivent des milliers de communiqués de presse chaque jour. Il est difficile de les revoir un par un. À moins qu’il y ait une grande attraction, il pourrait s’enfoncer dans la mer. Nos services de publication de communiqués de presse garantissent que les éditeurs peuvent lire pour la première fois via un canal de communication dédié. Grâce à une coopération à long terme, les médias nous font confiance pour envoyer la crédibilité du manuscrit, de sorte que l’opportunité est plus grande et qu’il ya une chance de faire rapport.

Le but du client qui nous confie l’émission d’un communiqué de presse est d’augmenter la visibilité et d’accroître les chances d’atteindre les consommateurs. Il peut être inclus dans les résultats par les moteurs de recherche. Lorsque des clients potentiels utilisent Baidu ou Google pour effectuer des recherches, ils ont plus de chance de voir votre marque.

Le taux de couverture des nouvelles sur Internet a dépassé celui de la télévision et des médias imprimés traditionnels. La manière dont les messages d’information parviennent aux personnes est la plus grande source de moteurs de recherche, à l’exception du site officiel des médias. Une fois le rapport d’exportation exporté, si Baidu ou Google peut l’inclure dès que possible, la possibilité pour la société ou l’information produit de se qualifier dans la page de recherche du consommateur cible sera grandement améliorée.